As we all know on 23-25 of April we received 6 star athletes
The NFL Draft for the first time in the history of the NFL had to hold a virtual draft. I guess the good news is those college students didn't have to go out and buy a new tux!

“Are you healthy and ready to be a Pittsburgh Steeler?”
Lord knows how many kids grow up working their ass off for the possible chance of one day hearing those magical words...
The Breakdown:
In the 2020 Draft the Steelers acquired the 49,102,124,135,198, and 232 picks.
With these we got a wide range of players from Nebraska, Maryland, Notre Dame, Charlotte, and Louisiana-Lafayette. In round 2 Chase Claypool (WR) became apart of our family, following him in round 3 was Alex Highsmith (LB), by the end of round 4 the Steelers gained Anthony McFarland Jr. (RB), and Kevin Dotson (OL), rounds 6 & 7 consisted of our final picks in which we drafted Antoine Brooks Jr. (S) and Carlos Davis (DT).
With the addition of five new vivacious men Tomlin plans to strengthen our already unbreakable Steel Curtain, but especially work on stitching our offense together and hopefully going through a successful season healthy.
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