With the release of the 2020 NFL schedule being released for about 5 days it's time for an overview.
In a recent interview with Steelers reporter Missi Matthews, Rooney expresses his satisfaction and has no deep complaints about our coming opponents. He gives the NFL credit for making a normal schedule and mentions the difficulty of bringing in factors or obstacles within 32 teams, and how difficult it is to put it all together.
"I think we've got to be prepared to play the full schedule as it lays out, and that's what the league did"
Click to image to watch full interview!
The biggest news about the release of the schedule is our Thanksgiving game of course!
We are beyond lucky to have the night game that Thursday, which will hopefully lead to some post-victory turkey carving (and Steelers fans happy for dinner time with their families). This will be our ninth time playing on Thanksgiving, but our first hosting the game! We will be facing the Baltimore mud hens (Ravens) *insert throwing up emoji*, hopefully the Steelers will come out victorious, alas we can only pray for a healthy Ben and starting lineup.
"The highlight (of our 2020 schedule) I would say is hosting the Ravens on Thanksgiving night... I'm excited about that."
Can't wait to see our boys choke those puny birds, like you, I'll be anxiously watching (yelling at the television) @8:20pm on the 26 of November 2020.
Enjoy your turkey mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie!